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CallnRoam-PayAsYouGo - GLOBAL |
Search : |
Destination | Price / Minute $ | Minutes10$ |
0.0160 | 625 | |
Abkhazia | 0.1000 | 100 |
Abkhazia - Mobile | 0.1500 | 66 |
Afghanistan | 0.2500 | 40 |
Afghanistan - Mobile | 0.2500 | 40 |
Afghanistan - Mobile - Others | 0.2500 | 40 |
Albania - Tirana | 0.1300 | 76 |
Algeria | 0.0746 | 134 |
Algeria - Algiers | 0.0746 | 134 |
Algeria - Mobile | 0.2940 | 34 |
American Samoa | 0.0481 | 207 |
American Samoa - Mobile | 0.0388 | 257 |
Andorra | 0.0320 | 312 |
Andorra - Mobile | 0.2273 | 43 |
Angola | 0.1250 | 80 |
Angola - Mobile | 0.1563 | 63 |
Anguilla | 0.1190 | 84 |
Anguilla - Mobile | 0.2632 | 37 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 0.1724 | 58 |
Antigua and Barbuda - Mobile | 0.2750 | 36 |
Argentina | 0.0197 | 507 |
Argentina - Bahia Blanca | 0.0109 | 917 |
Argentina - Buenos Aires | 0.0078 | 1282 |
Argentina - Cordoba | 0.0111 | 900 |
Argentina - La Plata | 0.0105 | 952 |
Argentina - Mar del Plata | 0.0115 | 869 |
Argentina - Mendoza | 0.0115 | 869 |
Argentina - Mobile | 0.1515 | 66 |
Argentina - Rosario | 0.0111 | 900 |
Armenia | 0.1160 | 86 |
Armenia - Mobile | 0.2800 | 35 |
Armenia - Mobile - Orange | 0.2800 | 35 |
Armenia - Yerevan | 0.0866 | 115 |
Aruba | 0.1162 | 86 |
Aruba - Mobile | 0.2631 | 38 |
Australia | 0.0249 | 401 |
Australia - Adelaide | 0.0150 | 666 |
Australia - Canberra | 0.0150 | 666 |
Australia - Mobile | 0.1250 | 80 |
Austria | 0.0273 | 366 |
Austria - Mobile | 0.0685 | 145 |
Austria - Vienna | 0.0224 | 446 |
Azerbaijan | 0.2500 | 40 |
Azerbaijan - Baku | 0.2500 | 40 |
Azerbaijan - Mobile | 0.3333 | 30 |
Bahamas | 0.1250 | 80 |
Bahamas - Mobile | 0.1315 | 76 |
Bahrain | 0.0999 | 100 |
Bahrain - Mobile | 0.0893 | 111 |
Bangladesh | 0.0190 | 526 |
Bangladesh - Chittagong | 0.0190 | 526 |
Bangladesh - Dhaka | 0.0190 | 526 |
Bangladesh - Khulna | 0.0190 | 526 |
Bangladesh - Mobile | 0.0192 | 520 |
Bangladesh - Sylhet | 0.0190 | 526 |
Barbados | 0.1900 | 52 |
Barbados - Mobile | 0.2500 | 40 |
Barbados - Mobile - Digicel | 0.2500 | 40 |
Belarus - Minsk | 0.1816 | 55 |
Belarus - Mobile | 0.3333 | 30 |
Belarus - Mobile - MTS | 0.3333 | 30 |
Belize | 0.2380 | 42 |
Belize - Mobile | 0.2990 | 33 |
Benin | 0.2220 | 45 |
Benin - Mobile | 0.2220 | 45 |
Benin - Mobile - BBCOM | 0.3600 | 27 |
Benin - Mobile - Globacom | 0.2220 | 45 |
Benin - Mobile - Moov | 0.2220 | 45 |
Benin - Mobile - MTN | 0.2220 | 45 |
Bermuda | 0.0500 | 199 |
Bermuda - Mobile | 0.0318 | 314 |
Bhutan | 0.0909 | 110 |
Bhutan - Mobile | 0.0909 | 110 |
Bolivia | 0.1563 | 63 |
Bolivia - Cochabamba | 0.1000 | 100 |
Bolivia - La Paz | 0.1000 | 100 |
Bolivia - Mobile | 0.1500 | 66 |
Bolivia - Santa Cruz | 0.1000 | 100 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0.1250 | 80 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Mobile | 0.2940 | 34 |
Botswana | 0.1000 | 100 |
Botswana - Mobile | 0.2632 | 37 |
Brazil | 0.0260 | 384 |
Brazil - Belo Horizonte | 0.0155 | 645 |
Brazil - Brazilia | 0.0200 | 500 |
Brazil - Campinas | 0.0345 | 289 |
Brazil - Curitiba | 0.0200 | 500 |
Brazil - Florianopolis | 0.0200 | 500 |
Brazil - Governador Valadares | 0.0160 | 625 |
Brazil - Londrina | 0.0160 | 625 |
Brazil - Mobile | 0.0238 | 419 |
Brazil - Porto Alegre | 0.0238 | 420 |
Brazil - Rio De Janeiro | 0.0130 | 769 |
Brazil - Salvador | 0.0130 | 769 |
Brazil - Sao Paulo | 0.0130 | 769 |
Brunei Darussalam | 0.0500 | 199 |
Brunei Darussalam - Mobile | 0.0500 | 199 |
Bulgaria | 0.0600 | 166 |
Bulgaria - Mobile | 0.1410 | 70 |
Bulgaria - Sofia | 0.0562 | 177 |
Bulgaria - Wimax | 0.1000 | 100 |
Burkina Faso | 0.2500 | 40 |
Burkina Faso - Mobile | 0.2941 | 34 |
Burundi | 0.5000 | 20 |
Burundi - Mobile | 0.5000 | 20 |
Cambodia | 0.0850 | 117 |
Cambodia - Mobile | 0.0700 | 142 |
Cameroon | 0.1550 | 64 |
Cameroon - Douala | 0.1550 | 64 |
Cameroon - Mobile | 0.2777 | 36 |
Cameroon - Mobile - MTN | 0.2777 | 36 |
Cameroon - Mobile - Nextel | 0.2777 | 36 |
Cameroon - Mobile - Orange | 0.2777 | 36 |
Cameroon - VAS | 0.1550 | 64 |
Canada | 0.0150 | 666 |
Cape Verde | 0.2940 | 34 |
Cape Verde - Mobile | 0.2940 | 34 |
Cape Verde - TLC | 0.2940 | 34 |
Cayman Islands | 0.0990 | 101 |
Cayman Islands - Mobile | 0.2083 | 48 |
Central African Republic | 0.7250 | 13 |
Central African Republic - Mobile | 0.7250 | 13 |
Chad | 0.5263 | 19 |
Chad - Mobile | 0.5263 | 19 |
Chile | 0.0290 | 344 |
Chile - Mobile | 0.0833 | 120 |
Chile - Rural | 0.0290 | 344 |
Chile - Santiago | 0.0200 | 500 |
China | 0.0210 | 476 |
China - Beijing | 0.0120 | 833 |
China - Fuzhou | 0.0120 | 833 |
China - Guangzhou | 0.0120 | 833 |
China - Mobile | 0.0120 | 833 |
China - Shanghai | 0.0120 | 833 |
Colombia | 0.0284 | 352 |
Colombia - Bogota | 0.0284 | 352 |
Colombia - Bucaramanga | 0.0284 | 352 |
Colombia - Cali | 0.0197 | 507 |
Colombia - Cartagena | 0.0284 | 352 |
Colombia - Cities | 0.0284 | 352 |
Colombia - Manizales | 0.0284 | 352 |
Colombia - Medellin | 0.0190 | 526 |
Colombia - Mobile | 0.0263 | 380 |
Colombia - Mobile - Tigo | 0.0313 | 320 |
Colombia - Palmira | 0.0284 | 352 |
Colombia - Pereira | 0.0284 | 352 |
Congo | 0.4545 | 22 |
Congo - Mobile | 0.4167 | 23 |
Congo Democratic Republic | 0.2631 | 38 |
Congo Democratic Republic - Mobile | 0.2631 | 38 |
Cook Islands | 0.7143 | 13 |
Costa Rica | 0.0581 | 172 |
Costa Rica - Mobile | 0.0610 | 163 |
Croatia - Mobile | 0.2900 | 34 |
Cuba | 0.6250 | 16 |
Cuba - Guantanamo Bay | 0.8333 | 12 |
Cuba - Mobile | 0.6300 | 15 |
Cyprus | 0.0167 | 598 |
Cyprus - Mobile | 0.0562 | 177 |
Czech Republic | 0.0291 | 343 |
Czech Republic - Brno | 0.0210 | 476 |
Czech Republic - Mobile | 0.1389 | 71 |
Czech Republic - Prague | 0.0349 | 286 |
Denmark | 0.0132 | 757 |
Denmark - Mobile | 0.1389 | 71 |
Djibouti - Mobile | 0.2796 | 35 |
Dominica | 0.1300 | 76 |
Dominica - Mobile | 0.2777 | 36 |
Dominican Republic | 0.0250 | 399 |
Dominican Republic - Mobile | 0.0781 | 128 |
Ecuador | 0.1111 | 90 |
Ecuador - Guayaquil | 0.1111 | 90 |
Ecuador - Mobile | 0.2173 | 46 |
Ecuador - Mobile - Movistar | 0.2173 | 46 |
Ecuador - Mobile - Porta | 0.2173 | 46 |
Ecuador - Quito | 0.1111 | 90 |
Egypt | 0.0920 | 108 |
Egypt - Alexandria | 0.0809 | 123 |
Egypt - Cairo | 0.0890 | 112 |
Egypt - Mobile | 0.0961 | 104 |
El Salvador | 0.1315 | 76 |
El Salvador - CTE | 0.1444 | 69 |
El Salvador - CTE Telecom | 0.1250 | 80 |
El Salvador - Digicel | 0.1510 | 66 |
El Salvador - Mobile | 0.1495 | 66 |
El Salvador - Mobile - CTE | 0.1495 | 66 |
El Salvador - Mobile - Digicel | 0.1510 | 66 |
El Salvador - Mobile - Personal | 0.1560 | 64 |
El Salvador - Mobile - Telefonica | 0.1560 | 64 |
El Salvador - Mobile - Telemovil | 0.1560 | 64 |
El Salvador - Mobile - Tigo | 0.1560 | 64 |
El Salvador - Personal | 0.1560 | 64 |
El Salvador - Salnet | 0.1560 | 64 |
El Salvador - Telefonica | 0.1560 | 64 |
El Salvador - Telemovil | 0.1560 | 64 |
Equatorial Guinea | 0.2777 | 36 |
Equatorial Guinea - Mobile | 0.2777 | 36 |
Eritrea | 0.2777 | 36 |
Eritrea - Mobile | 0.2173 | 46 |
Ethiopia | 0.1538 | 65 |
Ethiopia - Addis Ababa | 0.1538 | 65 |
Ethiopia - Mobile | 0.1818 | 55 |
Ethiopia - Mobile - Addis Ababa | 0.1818 | 55 |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 0.5556 | 17 |
Faroe Islands | 0.2632 | 37 |
Faroe Islands - Mobile | 0.2632 | 37 |
Fiji | 0.2174 | 45 |
Fiji - Mobile | 0.2381 | 41 |
Finland | 0.1136 | 88 |
Finland - Mobile | 0.1111 | 90 |
France | 0.0150 | 666 |
France - Mobile | 0.0683 | 146 |
France - OLO | 0.0150 | 666 |
France - Paris | 0.0150 | 666 |
France - Special Services | 0.0683 | 146 |
France - VAS | 0.0150 | 666 |
French Guiana | 0.0282 | 354 |
French Guiana - Mobile | 0.1923 | 52 |
French Polynesia | 0.3571 | 28 |
French Polynesia - Mobile | 0.3571 | 28 |
Gabon | 0.3571 | 28 |
Gabon - Mobile | 0.3571 | 28 |
Gambia | 0.6000 | 16 |
Gambia - Mobile | 0.6666 | 15 |
Georgia | 0.1111 | 90 |
Georgia - Abkhazia | 0.0733 | 136 |
Georgia - CDMA | 0.0733 | 136 |
Georgia - Mobile | 0.1250 | 80 |
Georgia - OLO | 0.0733 | 136 |
Georgia - Tbilisi | 0.0368 | 271 |
Germany | 0.0160 | 625 |
Germany - Berlin | 0.0149 | 671 |
Germany - Frankfurt | 0.0149 | 671 |
Germany - Hamburg | 0.0149 | 671 |
Germany - Mobile | 0.1000 | 100 |
Germany - Mobile - Eplus | 0.1000 | 100 |
Germany - Mobile - Lycamobile | 0.1000 | 100 |
Germany - Mobile - Vodafone | 0.1000 | 100 |
Germany - Munich | 0.0150 | 666 |
Ghana | 0.1600 | 62 |
Ghana - Accra | 0.2080 | 48 |
Ghana - mobile | 0.2222 | 45 |
Ghana - Mobile - Airtel (Zain) | 0.2222 | 45 |
Ghana - Mobile - Expresso | 0.2220 | 45 |
Ghana - Mobile - Glo | 0.2222 | 45 |
Ghana - Mobile - MTN | 0.2000 | 50 |
Ghana - Mobile - Tigo | 0.2222 | 45 |
Ghana - Mobile - Vodafone | 0.2222 | 45 |
Ghana - mobile 2 | 0.2222 | 43 |
Ghana - mobile 3 | 0.2222 | 43 |
Ghana - mobile 4 | 0.2222 | 43 |
Ghana - mobile 5 | 0.2222 | 43 |
Gibraltar | 0.2941 | 34 |
Gibraltar - Mobile | 0.1995 | 50 |
Greece | 0.0174 | 574 |
Greece - Athens | 0.0171 | 584 |
Greece - Mobile | 0.1315 | 76 |
Greece - Thessaloniki | 0.0174 | 574 |
Greenland | 0.6250 | 16 |
Greenland - Mobile | 0.6250 | 16 |
Grenada | 0.1700 | 58 |
Grenada - Mobile | 0.2632 | 37 |
Grenada - Special Services | 0.2632 | 37 |
Guadeloupe | 0.0290 | 344 |
Guadeloupe - Mobile | 0.2381 | 41 |
Guadeloupe - Mobile - Digicel | 0.2381 | 41 |
Guadeloupe - Mobile - Orange | 0.2381 | 41 |
Guam | 0.0200 | 500 |
Guatemala | 0.0769 | 130 |
Guatemala - Cablenet | 0.0769 | 130 |
Guatemala - Comcel | 0.0769 | 130 |
Guatemala - Mobile | 0.1250 | 80 |
Guatemala - Mobile - Claro | 0.1176 | 85 |
Guatemala - Mobile - Comcel | 0.1250 | 80 |
Guatemala - Mobile - PCS | 0.1176 | 85 |
Guatemala - Mobile - Telefonica | 0.1250 | 80 |
Guatemala - Telgua | 0.0710 | 140 |
Guinea | 0.7500 | 13 |
Guinea - Mobile | 0.3125 | 32 |
Guinea - Mobile - Gamma | 0.3500 | 28 |
Guinea-Bissau - Mobile | 0.8000 | 12 |
Guinea-Bissau - Mobile - MTN | 0.8000 | 12 |
Guyana | 0.2500 | 40 |
Guyana - Mobile | 0.3125 | 32 |
Guyana - Mobile - Digicel | 0.1111 | 90 |
Haiti | 0.2380 | 42 |
Haiti - Mobile | 0.2500 | 40 |
Haiti - Mobile - Digicel | 0.2500 | 40 |
Haiti - Mobile - Haitel | 0.2500 | 40 |
Haiti - Mobile - Natcom | 0.2500 | 40 |
Haiti - Port Au Prince | 0.2380 | 42 |
Honduras | 0.1250 | 80 |
Honduras - Mobile - Claro | 0.1332 | 75 |
Honduras - Mobile - Digicel | 0.1332 | 75 |
Honduras - Mobile - Hondutel | 0.1350 | 74 |
Honduras - Mobile - Megatel | 0.1430 | 69 |
Honduras - Mobile - Tigo | 0.1190 | 84 |
Honduras - San Pedro | 0.1250 | 80 |
Honduras - Tegucigalpa | 0.1250 | 80 |
Hong Kong | 0.0269 | 371 |
Hong Kong - Mobile | 0.0250 | 399 |
Hungary | 0.0138 | 724 |
Hungary - Budapest | 0.0146 | 684 |
Hungary - Mobile | 0.1064 | 93 |
Hungary - Mobile - T Mobile | 0.1064 | 93 |
Iceland | 0.1471 | 67 |
Iceland - Mobile | 0.1471 | 67 |
India | 0.0160 | 625 |
India - Mobile | 0.0150 | 666 |
Indonesia | 0.0833 | 120 |
Indonesia - Jakarta | 0.0500 | 199 |
Indonesia - Mobile | 0.1190 | 84 |
Iran | 0.1400 | 71 |
Iran - Mobile | 0.1700 | 58 |
Iran - Mobile - MTN | 0.1700 | 58 |
Iran - Tehran | 0.1200 | 83 |
Iraq | 0.1250 | 80 |
Iraq - Baghdad | 0.1250 | 80 |
Iraq - Basra | 0.1250 | 80 |
Iraq - Mobile | 0.2500 | 40 |
Iraq - Sulaimaniya | 0.1250 | 80 |
Ireland | 0.0115 | 869 |
Ireland - Dublin | 0.0115 | 869 |
Ireland - Mobile | 0.2632 | 37 |
Israel | 0.0170 | 588 |
Israel - Haifa | 0.0130 | 769 |
Israel - Jerusalem | 0.0130 | 769 |
Israel - Mobile | 0.0367 | 272 |
Israel - Mobile - Palestine | 0.2500 | 40 |
Israel - Palestine | 0.1800 | 55 |
Israel - Tel Aviv | 0.0129 | 775 |
Italy | 0.0189 | 529 |
Italy - Milan | 0.0189 | 529 |
Italy - Mobile | 0.1250 | 80 |
Italy - Mobile - Vodafone | 0.1250 | 80 |
Italy - Mobile - Wind | 0.1250 | 80 |
Italy - Rome | 0.0189 | 529 |
Ivory Coast | 0.2270 | 44 |
Ivory Coast - Abidjan | 0.2778 | 35 |
Ivory Coast - Mobile | 0.2941 | 34 |
Ivory Coast - Mobile - Aircomm | 0.2941 | 34 |
Ivory Coast - Mobile - MTN | 0.2941 | 34 |
Ivory Coast - Mobile - Orange | 0.2941 | 34 |
Ivory Coast - MTN | 0.2941 | 34 |
Jamaica | 0.1250 | 80 |
Jamaica - Mobile | 0.1923 | 52 |
Jamaica - Mobile - Digicel | 0.1923 | 52 |
Japan | 0.0313 | 319 |
Japan - Military | 0.0204 | 490 |
Japan - Mobile | 0.1515 | 66 |
Japan - Tokyo | 0.0298 | 335 |
Jordan | 0.0909 | 110 |
Jordan - Amman | 0.0909 | 110 |
Jordan - Mobile | 0.1111 | 90 |
Kazakhstan | 0.0658 | 151 |
Kazakhstan - Almaty | 0.0138 | 724 |
Kazakhstan - Mobile | 0.1220 | 81 |
Kenya | 0.2000 | 50 |
Kenya - Mobile | 0.1515 | 66 |
Kenya - Mobile - Airtel | 0.1515 | 66 |
Kenya - Mobile - Orange | 0.1515 | 66 |
Kenya - Mobile - Safaricom | 0.1515 | 66 |
Kenya - Nairobi | 0.1515 | 66 |
Kiribati | 1.2500 | 8 |
Kuwait | 0.0833 | 120 |
Kuwait - Mobile | 0.1315 | 76 |
Kyrgyzstan | 0.1389 | 71 |
Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek | 0.1250 | 80 |
Kyrgyzstan - Mobile | 0.0962 | 103 |
Kyrgyzstan - Mobile - Sky | 0.0962 | 103 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | 0.0815 | 122 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic - Mobile | 0.0815 | 122 |
Lebanon | 0.1111 | 90 |
Lebanon - Mobile | 0.2000 | 50 |
Lesotho | 0.2083 | 48 |
Lesotho - Mobile | 0.2381 | 41 |
Liberia | 0.5000 | 20 |
Liberia - Mobile | 0.3333 | 30 |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 0.2500 | 40 |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya - Mobile | 0.3846 | 26 |
Liechtenstein | 0.2381 | 41 |
Lithuania | 0.7500 | 13 |
Lithuania - Personal | 101.0000 | 1 |
Luxembourg | 0.0209 | 478 |
Luxembourg - Mobile | 0.1950 | 51 |
Macao | 0.0650 | 153 |
Macao - Mobile | 0.0650 | 153 |
Macedonia | 0.1250 | 80 |
Macedonia - Mobile | 0.3200 | 31 |
Macedonia - Mobile - Albafone | 0.3200 | 31 |
Macedonia - Mobile - One | 0.3200 | 31 |
Macedonia - Skopje | 0.0996 | 100 |
Madagascar | 0.6250 | 16 |
Madagascar - Mobile | 0.6250 | 16 |
Malawi | 0.2000 | 50 |
Malawi - Mobile | 0.4000 | 24 |
Malaysia | 0.0169 | 591 |
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur | 0.0209 | 478 |
Malaysia - Mobile | 0.0365 | 273 |
Maldives | 0.9900 | 10 |
Maldives - Mobile | 0.9900 | 10 |
Mali | 0.2380 | 42 |
Mali - Bamako | 0.2380 | 42 |
Mali - Mobile | 0.2777 | 36 |
Mali - Mobile - Orange | 0.2631 | 38 |
Malta | 0.1667 | 59 |
Malta - Mobile | 0.1667 | 59 |
Marshall Islands | 0.3333 | 30 |
Martinique | 0.0299 | 334 |
Martinique - Mobile | 0.2381 | 41 |
Mauritania | 0.3571 | 28 |
Mauritania - Mobile | 0.3846 | 26 |
Mauritius | 0.1420 | 70 |
Mauritius - Mobile | 0.1420 | 70 |
Mexico | 0.0050 | 1999 |
Mexico - Guadalajara | 0.0050 | 1999 |
Mexico - Major - Cities | 0.0050 | 1999 |
Mexico - Mexico City | 0.0050 | 1999 |
Mexico - Mobile | 0.0080 | 1250 |
Mexico - Mobile - EA | 0.0080 | 1250 |
Mexico - Monterrey | 0.0050 | 1999 |
Micronesia | 0.2500 | 40 |
Moldova | 0.1200 | 83 |
Moldova - Mobile | 0.2083 | 48 |
Moldova - Mobile - Orange | 0.2083 | 48 |
Monaco | 0.0900 | 111 |
Monaco - Mobile | 0.4900 | 20 |
Monaco - Mobile - Kosovo | 0.4900 | 20 |
Mongolia | 0.0704 | 142 |
Mongolia - Mobile | 0.0704 | 142 |
Montenegro | 0.1613 | 61 |
Montenegro - Mobile | 0.3571 | 28 |
Montserrat | 0.1786 | 55 |
Montserrat - Mobile | 0.1246 | 80 |
Morocco | 0.0330 | 303 |
Morocco - Casablanca | 0.0222 | 450 |
Morocco - Meditel | 0.1477 | 67 |
Morocco - Mobile | 0.2500 | 40 |
Morocco - Mobile - Other | 0.5000 | 20 |
Morocco - Rabat | 0.0330 | 303 |
Morocco - WANA | 0.3000 | 33 |
Mozambique | 0.3000 | 33 |
Mozambique - Maputo | 0.1190 | 84 |
Mozambique - Mobile | 0.2777 | 36 |
Mozambique - Mobile - MCell | 0.2777 | 36 |
Mozambique - Mobile - Movitel | 0.2777 | 36 |
Mozambique - Mobile - Vodacom | 0.2777 | 36 |
Myanmar | 0.1666 | 60 |
Myanmar - Mobile | 0.1666 | 60 |
Namibia | 0.0806 | 124 |
Namibia - Mobile | 0.2174 | 45 |
Nepal | 0.1000 | 99 |
Nepal - Kathmandu | 0.1111 | 89 |
Nepal - Mobile | 0.1111 | 89 |
Netherlands | 0.0126 | 793 |
Netherlands - Mobile | 0.1800 | 55 |
Netherlands Antilles | 0.1111 | 90 |
Netherlands Antilles - Mobile | 0.1471 | 67 |
Netherlands Antilles - St. Marteens | 0.0875 | 114 |
New Caledonia | 0.2273 | 43 |
New Caledonia - Mobile | 0.2273 | 43 |
New Zealand | 0.0157 | 636 |
New Zealand - Mobile | 0.1236 | 80 |
Nicaragua | 0.1250 | 80 |
Nicaragua - Mobile | 0.2000 | 50 |
Nicaragua - Mobile - Claro | 0.2000 | 50 |
Nicaragua - Mobile - Telefonica | 0.2000 | 50 |
Niger | 0.2941 | 34 |
Niger - Mobile | 0.2941 | 34 |
Nigeria | 0.0890 | 112 |
Nigeria - Lagos | 0.0890 | 112 |
Nigeria - Mobile | 0.0769 | 130 |
Nigeria - Mobile - Airtel | 0.0769 | 130 |
Nigeria - Mobile - Globacom | 0.0769 | 130 |
Nigeria - Mobile - MTN | 0.0769 | 130 |
Nigeria - Mobile - Visafone | 0.0769 | 130 |
Nigeria - Mobile - Zain | 0.0769 | 130 |
Niue | 0.8333 | 12 |
Niue - Mobile | 0.8333 | 12 |
North Korea | 0.7900 | 12 |
Northern Mariana Islands | 0.0500 | 199 |
Norway | 0.2083 | 48 |
Norway - Mobile | 0.2083 | 48 |
Norway - Mobile - Lyca | 0.2083 | 48 |
Norway - Oslo | 0.0136 | 735 |
Norway - Special Services | 0.2083 | 48 |
Oman | 0.1388 | 72 |
Oman - Mobile | 0.3225 | 31 |
Pakistan | 0.0500 | 199 |
Pakistan - Islamabad | 0.0500 | 199 |
Pakistan - Karachi | 0.0500 | 199 |
Pakistan - Lahore | 0.0500 | 199 |
Pakistan - Mobile | 0.0500 | 199 |
Palau | 0.2941 | 34 |
Palau - Mobile | 0.2941 | 34 |
Palestinian Territory | 0.1800 | 55 |
Palestinian Territory - Mobile | 0.1800 | 55 |
Panama | 0.0338 | 295 |
Panama - Mobile | 0.1724 | 58 |
Panama - Mobile - Digicel | 0.1724 | 58 |
Panama - Panama City | 0.0365 | 273 |
Papua New Guinea | 0.7143 | 13 |
Papua New Guinea - Mobile | 0.4866 | 20 |
Papua New Guinea - Mobile - Citifon | 0.4866 | 20 |
Papua New Guinea - Mobile - Digicel | 0.4866 | 20 |
Paraguay | 0.0485 | 206 |
Paraguay - Asuncion | 0.0435 | 229 |
Paraguay - Mobile | 0.0746 | 134 |
Peru | 0.0161 | 621 |
Peru - Lima | 0.0142 | 704 |
Peru - Mobile | 0.0384 | 260 |
Philippines | 0.0961 | 104 |
Philippines - Manila | 0.0961 | 104 |
Philippines - Mobile | 0.1190 | 84 |
Philippines - Mobile - Globe | 0.1190 | 84 |
Philippines - Mobile - Smart | 0.1250 | 80 |
Poland | 0.0120 | 833 |
Poland - Mobile | 0.1923 | 52 |
Poland - Mobile - Orange | 0.1923 | 52 |
Poland - Mobile - Other | 0.1923 | 52 |
Poland - OLO | 0.4000 | 24 |
Poland - Warsaw | 0.0140 | 714 |
Portugal | 0.0141 | 709 |
Portugal - Azores | 0.0230 | 434 |
Portugal - Lisbon | 0.0174 | 574 |
Portugal - Mobile | 0.1163 | 85 |
Portugal - Mobile - Optimus | 0.1163 | 85 |
Portugal - Mobile - TMN | 0.1163 | 85 |
Portugal - Mobile - Vodafone | 0.1163 | 85 |
Portugal - OLO | 0.0141 | 709 |
Puerto Rico | 0.0112 | 892 |
Qatar | 0.1923 | 52 |
Qatar - Mobile | 0.2380 | 42 |
Reunion Island | 0.1042 | 95 |
Reunion Island - Mobile | 0.3571 | 28 |
Reunion Island - Mobile - Orange | 0.3571 | 28 |
Romania | 0.0250 | 399 |
Romania - Bucharest | 0.0200 | 500 |
Romania - Mobile | 0.1087 | 91 |
Russian Federation | 0.0270 | 370 |
Russian Federation - Mobile | 0.0600 | 166 |
Russian Federation - Moscow | 0.0186 | 537 |
Russian Federation - Other | 0.0270 | 370 |
Russian Federation - St. Petersburg | 0.0250 | 399 |
Russian Federation - Zone 2 | 0.0270 | 370 |
Rwanda | 0.2918 | 34 |
Rwanda - Mobile | 0.2918 | 34 |
Saint Kitts And Nevis | 0.1470 | 68 |
Saint Kitts And Nevis - Mobile | 0.2941 | 34 |
Saint Kitts And Nevis - Mobile - Digicel | 0.2631 | 38 |
Saint Lucia | 0.2631 | 38 |
Saint Lucia - Mobile | 0.2631 | 38 |
Saint Pierre And Miquelon | 0.2500 | 40 |
Saint Pierre And Miquelon - Mobile | 0.1645 | 60 |
Saint Vincent And The Grenedines | 0.2777 | 36 |
Saint Vincent And The Grenedines - Mobile | 0.2777 | 36 |
San Marino | 0.0641 | 156 |
San Marino - Mobile | 0.1710 | 58 |
Saudi Arabia | 0.1086 | 92 |
Saudi Arabia - Jeddah | 0.1086 | 92 |
Saudi Arabia - Mobile | 0.1282 | 78 |
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh | 0.1086 | 92 |
Senegal | 0.1724 | 58 |
Senegal - Dakar | 0.1724 | 58 |
Senegal - Expresso | 0.2631 | 38 |
Senegal - Mobile | 0.2631 | 38 |
Senegal - Mobile - Expresso | 0.2631 | 38 |
Senegal - Mobile - Orange | 0.2500 | 40 |
Senegal - Mobile - Other | 0.4400 | 22 |
Serbia | 0.1515 | 66 |
Serbia - Belgrade | 0.1500 | 66 |
Serbia - Kosovo | 0.1500 | 66 |
Serbia - Mobile | 0.3200 | 31 |
Serbia - Orion | 0.4000 | 24 |
Serbia - Other | 0.4000 | 24 |
Seychelles | 0.8500 | 11 |
Seychelles - Mobile | 0.8500 | 11 |
Sierra Leone | 0.4166 | 24 |
Sierra Leone - Freetown | 0.4166 | 24 |
Sierra Leone - Mobile | 0.4200 | 23 |
Singapore | 0.0146 | 684 |
Singapore - Mobile | 0.0109 | 917 |
Sint Maarten | 0.1400 | 71 |
Sint Maarten - Mobile | 0.1400 | 71 |
Slovakia | 0.0276 | 362 |
Slovakia - Bratislava | 0.0207 | 483 |
Slovakia - Mobile | 0.1613 | 61 |
Slovakia - Mobile - Orange | 0.1613 | 61 |
Slovenia | 0.0245 | 408 |
Slovenia - Ljubljana | 0.0245 | 408 |
Slovenia - Mobile | 0.1667 | 59 |
Slovenia - Mobile - Simobil | 0.1667 | 59 |
South Africa | 0.0600 | 166 |
South Africa - Capetown | 0.0420 | 238 |
South Africa - Johannesburg | 0.0424 | 235 |
South Africa - Mobile | 0.1429 | 69 |
South Korea | 0.0136 | 735 |
South Korea - Mobile | 0.0434 | 230 |
South Korea - Seoul | 0.0137 | 729 |
Spain | 0.0136 | 735 |
Spain - Barcelona | 0.0121 | 826 |
Spain - Canary Islands | 0.0106 | 943 |
Spain - Madrid | 0.0121 | 826 |
Spain - Mobile | 0.1163 | 85 |
Sri Lanka | 0.0961 | 104 |
Sri Lanka - Colombo | 0.0961 | 104 |
Sri Lanka - Mobile | 0.0961 | 104 |
Sudan | 0.2272 | 44 |
Sudan - Mobile | 0.1388 | 72 |
Sudan - Mobile - KanarTel | 0.1388 | 72 |
Sudan - Mobile - MTN | 0.1388 | 72 |
Suriname | 0.2632 | 37 |
Suriname - Mobile | 0.2273 | 43 |
Swaziland | 0.2083 | 48 |
Swaziland - Mobile | 0.1676 | 59 |
Sweden | 0.0106 | 943 |
Sweden - Mobile | 0.0625 | 160 |
Sweden - Stockholm | 0.0100 | 1000 |
Switzerland | 0.0149 | 671 |
Switzerland - Mobile | 0.1320 | 75 |
Switzerland - Mobile - Lyca | 0.1320 | 75 |
Syrian Arab Republic | 0.1250 | 80 |
Syrian Arab Republic - Mobile | 0.1562 | 64 |
Taiwan Province Of China | 0.0190 | 526 |
Taiwan Province Of China - Mobile | 0.0120 | 833 |
Taiwan Province Of China - Taipei | 0.0180 | 555 |
Tajikistan | 0.1515 | 66 |
Tajikistan - Dushanbe | 0.1316 | 75 |
Tajikistan - Mobile | 0.1042 | 95 |
Tanzania | 0.2500 | 40 |
Tanzania - Dar es Salaam | 0.2500 | 40 |
Tanzania - Mobile | 0.2777 | 36 |
Tanzania - Mobile - Airtel | 0.2777 | 36 |
Tanzania - Mobile - Tigo | 0.2777 | 36 |
Thailand | 0.0124 | 806 |
Thailand - Bangkok | 0.0149 | 671 |
Thailand - Mobile | 0.0199 | 502 |
Togo | 0.3330 | 30 |
Togo - Mobile | 0.3330 | 30 |
Togo - Mobile - Togocel | 0.3330 | 30 |
Tonga | 0.2250 | 44 |
Tonga - Mobile | 0.2250 | 44 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 0.0704 | 142 |
Trinidad and Tobago - Mobile | 0.1818 | 55 |
Trinidad and Tobago - Mobile - Bmobile | 0.1818 | 55 |
Trinidad and Tobago - Mobile - Digicel | 0.1818 | 55 |
Trinidad and Tobago - Mobile - Laqtel | 0.1818 | 55 |
Tunisia | 0.4545 | 22 |
Tunisia - Mobile | 0.3400 | 29 |
Tunisia - Orange | 0.3400 | 29 |
Turkey | 0.0330 | 303 |
Turkey - Ankara | 0.0330 | 303 |
Turkey - Istanbul | 0.0350 | 285 |
Turkey - Mobile | 0.1500 | 66 |
Turkey - Mobile - North Cyprus | 0.1500 | 66 |
Turkey - Mobile - Other | 0.1500 | 66 |
Turkmenistan | 0.1351 | 74 |
Turkmenistan - Mobile | 0.0856 | 116 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 0.2941 | 34 |
Turks and Caicos Islands - Mobile | 0.2941 | 34 |
Tuvalu | 1.2500 | 8 |
Uganda | 0.2600 | 38 |
Uganda - Mobile | 0.2850 | 35 |
Uganda - Mobile - Orange | 0.2850 | 35 |
Uganda - Mobile - UTL | 0.2850 | 35 |
Ukraine | 0.0800 | 125 |
Ukraine - Mobile | 0.1219 | 82 |
Ukraine - Odessa | 0.1136 | 88 |
United Arab Emirates | 0.1724 | 58 |
United Arab Emirates - Mobile | 0.1724 | 58 |
United Kingdom | 0.0100 | 1000 |
United Kingdom - Mobile | 0.1111 | 90 |
United Kingdom - Mobile - Other | 0.1810 | 55 |
United States | 0.0125 | 800 |
United States - Alaska | 0.0333 | 300 |
United States - Hawaii | 0.0333 | 300 |
Uruguay | 0.0658 | 151 |
Uruguay - Mobile | 0.1923 | 52 |
Uruguay - Montevideo | 0.0568 | 176 |
Uzbekistan | 0.0877 | 114 |
Uzbekistan - Mobile | 0.0833 | 120 |
Uzbekistan - Tashkent | 0.0250 | 399 |
Venezuela | 0.0300 | 333 |
Venezuela - Caracas | 0.0300 | 333 |
Venezuela - Mobile | 0.0500 | 199 |
Viet Nam | 0.0793 | 126 |
Viet Nam - Hanoi | 0.0793 | 126 |
Viet Nam - Ho Chi Minh City | 0.0793 | 126 |
Viet Nam - Mobile | 0.0770 | 129 |
Viet Nam - Mobile - Mobifone | 0.0770 | 129 |
Virgin Islands, British | 0.2941 | 34 |
Virgin Islands, British - Mobile | 0.2941 | 34 |
Virgin Islands, U.S. | 0.0180 | 555 |
Wallis and Futuna | 0.5466 | 18 |
Western Samoa | 0.6500 | 15 |
Western Samoa - Mobile | 0.6500 | 15 |
Yemen | 0.1234 | 81 |
Yemen - Mobile | 0.1234 | 81 |
Zambia | 0.0850 | 117 |
Zambia - Mobile | 0.2500 | 40 |